How to Sell More Homes By Marketing Yourself

Whether you’re just starting out as a new real estate agent, or are a seasoned professional, you want to grow your business. How you market yourself will play a huge role in obtaining new clients. Did you know that, according to a study by the National Association of Realtors, that 87% of home buyers purchase their home through a real estate agent? That represents a huge opportunity, if your clients know about you.


Below, I have compiled a list of five ideas used by top agents to promote their business. Put these into action and watch your business grow!


 Create a Website

 This may seem obvious, but you’d be surprised at how many agents still don't have their own website. Attending networking events or handing out business cards is great, but most consumers these days begin their search for an agent on the Internet. If you don’t have a web presence, they won’t find you. Build value into your site by posting current listings and maybe even a mortgage calculator. Value will keep potential clients coming back. Note: be sure your site is mobile friendly, meaning that it looks good on mobile devices. The vast majority of online activity is now done via mobile devices such as tablets and cell phones.


Have a Blog

 While we’re on the subject of the Internet let’s talk about why having a blog as part of your website is so important. Having a website is great, but optimizing your site so that clients will find it when they do an online search is crucial. One of the most effective ways to do that is with a blog. Why? Because Google’s algorithms are super smart and can tell which sites are providing valuable content and which ones are not. Guess which ones get found in an online search? You guessed it, the ones providing the most value. Blogs provide genuine value by providing educational and up-to-date content.


 Build a Database

 If you’ve done any research on creating an online presence for your business, you’ve probably seen the phrase, “The money is in the list.” What this is referring to is your database of names, addresses, emails, and other information you collect from customers or potential clients. You can build your database by using your website, open houses, or networking events. You can then market yourself to this list through email or direct mail campaigns.


 Social Media

 Love it or hate it, social media is an essential part of doing business in the 21st century. Remember that the primary objective of marketing is to put yourself in front of potential clients. In order to do this you have to know where those potential clients are focusing their attention, and these days millions of people are focusing their attention on social media. Keep your posts professional, but informative and entertaining. Post appropriate content for each specific platform. For example, Pinterest and Instagram are visually oriented platforms so you’ll want to post a lot of quality images. Facebook is more of a mix of text, images and videos.


 Get Wired in Locally

 When it comes to real estate, it’s important to focus on your local market. The more value your can bring to your local market, the more you will position yourself as an expert in your field. Get yourself into local magazines, newspapers, or online groups. Write articles, posts, or offer comments that bring real value. Don’t be salesy because today’s consumer hates to be pitched to, so showcase your knowledge and expertise instead. Talk about what affects pricing in your area, or why your region is growing in popularity. Bring value and people will think of you first when they’re looking for help with real estate.


Have you implemented any of these ideas? Share your story in the comments!