8 Ways To Fuel Your Motivation

Creating motivation is a skill, and there are several techniques that can be helpful. The ability to motivate yourself is among the most important skills you can have.



Try these tips when you need to boost your motivation:



Keep your attention on the end result rather than the process of getting there. When you find yourself getting bogged down with a large project, remind yourself of the goal. It’s challenging to get started when it’s necessary to put in 100 hours of work or to lose 50 lbs. If your motivation is waning, focus on how great you’ll feel when the objective has been met. Bite size your big goal into smaller, manageable goals.

Schedule regular breaks. Working for 8 hours straight might seem daunting, but knowing that you can take a break in 60 minutes can free up your mind enough to focus intently for an hour. Approach your work 60 minutes at time and you’ll be done before you know it.

Stand up and move around. Short period of intense exercise can improve creativity, sharpen the mind, and decrease stress. Find an activity appropriate for your environment.


Give yourself rewards as milestones are reached. Think of a few self-indulgences that you consider motivating. Break your work into reasonable chunks and give yourself a small reward as the milestones are met.


These rewards can be very small. A cup of coffee or a short break might be enough to get through a rough patch.

Do whatever it takes to get started. It’s surprising how motivation can seemingly appear from nowhere if you can just take the first step. Waiting for inspiration to get started is a mistake. You’re likely to notice that the work wasn’t nearly as disagreeable as you thought. You’ll probably be impressed with your progress and begin to feel motivated.



Whether it’s writing one sentence, making one phone call, or doing one pushup, do whatever it takes to get the ball rolling.

 Find inspiration through a song or video. YouTube is loaded with inspirational movie clips and presentations. Maybe there is a particular song that motivates you. A couple of minutes spent on this sort of activity can be well worth the time. Consider listening to a favorite song or watching a video on your break time.


Avoid getting distracted and wasting hours. Five minutes is enough!




Use a timer. A timer is a very effective way to focus the mind and get things done. Knowing that the seconds are ticking away is very motivating.


Having a timer also eliminates the questions of deciding how much to do or when to stop and take a break. You stop when the timer stops.



Make a list of the benefits you’ll receive upon completion. Will you finally have the money to pay all of your bills and take a trip? Will you be proud to show off your body at the beach? Can you realize your dream of gaining acceptance into graduate school?

Keep the list handy and review it whenever your motivation is lacking.



Strive to further develop your ability to motivate yourself. Self-motivation is a powerful tool for creating a successful life. Remember that the most challenging task can be to take the first step. Get started and you’ll find that your motivation begins to grow!